
Diana Full Moon Journey v.1.0

Another Goddess in night sky. Love hunter. It is Diana.
Rising from the linage of night goddess, she rules the silver moon.

One more remix of 80s sound. Ashguine out of MSX game music.
This version just features its 1st phrases.

Edited by Roland MC-303.
TR-808/909, synth lead, synth bass, synth strings and brass.
Thunder and birds song FX.
Lastly, with Audacity, intro and outro of two versions
got to be together into one arrangement.

Related post: Deities on the Orbits

Jupiter Night Throne v.1.0

Never miss his legendary adventure both day and .. night.
Born playboy, mighty leader, and big family.
His name was Jupiter.

Succeeding 2nd and 3rd projects,
my 4th practice of Ableton Live features
the anthem both in classic and pop music scene.
It is also called "Jupiter".

My drill song for EWI USB and favorite.

Related post: Deities on the Orbits

Venus on the Orbit (v.1.0)

YouTuve movie updated on Feb 26th

See how Roman goddess Venus 
has become a Queen on the stage. 
TV show, Superbowl Halftime Show, and more. 
Her life is well on the orbit.

As my Ableton Live practice, tried to cover or remix 
another my favorite pop song of 1969/1986.