
518 Get Wild 1987-2017 A.D.S.D.

A.D.S.D. - Analog, Digital and Software-Defined in 30 decades.

Based on the proceeding version, taking advantage of existing MIDI clips, but this time with hardware synthesizers and a drum machine.

  • Arturia MiniBrute as a base
  • Micro KORG
  • Roland JU-06
  • Roland JP-08
  • Roland TR-09
  • FM-like sound by Dexed, YAMAHA DX7 emulator
  • and some parts are still Ableton Live Lite based


The Adventurers - Gamba and Co. - v1.0

"The Adventures - Gamba and Co. - was a juvenile animal story in early 70s and the best favorite in my childhood. It was more than 30 years ago. You can still buy the book. Super recommended.

The original story has a subtitle "Gamba and 15 Colleagues" but the animation reduced the number of rats to avoid something messy so that the visual version is known as "Gamba and 7 Colleagues". To take photos of rats, I have double checked who are 15 or 7, and found that Shioji may be one of the 15 or 7. Is it correct? I don't know..

Anyway, the must-read story for kids. The proceeding "Glick's Adventure" and the later released "Gamba and the Otter" are also recommended.


Ashguine The Castle In The Sky High v1.2

The original post was here. Not a video but a story ... of me.


Three years ago, v1.0 -not a video but a short story with pictures and text- started here.



The memorial compilation CD will be released the day after tomorrow!
 - and the Amazon prime customer with reservation may get it tomorrow!!


Sakura to Believe in v4.2 (v1.1)

Out of "pax fantasica" Mar 2017 play
as my appreciation to the Land and the ZOOO!

Since I showed them my first playmobil stop-motion movie for the first time, which was probably two years ago, shop chiefs and staffs have been encouraging me to publish it to much more people. I've been afraid. No confidence :-) It's ok it's been just in this blog and I never posted it to any social. But finally, they recommended my YouTube work to the subscribers of their shop mailing list. Great thanks. As my appreciation of them, here is the stop-motion picture remixed featuring the shops.