
537 Fairytale volatile v1.0 /1.1 /1.2

It was when I watched the animation called "The Ancient Magus' Bride" that I was hit by an idea of fairytale-like, some spiritual, some fantasy-style track, with some old paganism feelings. And this is the final version of the track named "Fairytale volatile", which adds drone sounds to the proceeding versions listed below so that it seems like Will 'o the Wisp are dancing around the music.

v1.0 - singing Dryad

v1.1 - visiting Sprigan

Surprisingly, the best fitting MASCHINE EXPANSION was "PULSWERK" which is originally intended for minimal techno and house. It, however, contains bunch of glitch sounds and drone sounds, which I feel like voice, laugh, and footsteps of fairies.

And to tell the truth, this is my best favorite song of mine so far.

How do you feel it? Thanks.


Overdrive AG - Happy New Year 2018

3, 2, 1, ignition, break down and GO!

Happy New Year 2018!

With MASCHINE Expansion called "BYTE RIOT" and playmobil exclusive set of 9225 "Porsche 911 GT3 Cup", here is cerebration to the new year by mixing 80s, 90s and 21st century sounds.

Overdriven, saturated, the decoded and reconstructed anthem for the motor sport has turned into the party rock track.

Are you ready? Over drive!

Guys, don't miss any one of the movie and playmobil theater here!

Pleeeeeeeease! :-)