
554 Good-bye Winter vol.03

Hi, Dad or Dr., whichever. Why don't you take me to your spring expedition together!?

Oh, my, sure. Why not! Welcome to my team!

553 Good-bye Winter vol.02

Spring is the best season for research in the nature! Winter is great, but Spring brings much more lives!

Let's get out onto the field to find the blooming flowers, crawling bugs and singing birds!

552 Good-bye Winter vol.01

Good-bye, Winter, see you next winter!


551 A week before Vernal Equinox Day

It's White Day
  in White World!

Are you feeling Spring has come, or still chilly? Here in the arctic region, it's still cold! But don't worry, we're OK, because we have these traditional wears of our tribe!



550 The Woman's Day On The Planet

It's The International Women's Day, isn't it?

Ok, there is a woman on the ocean. She is called Lady Jo-Ga, but also known as Kaguya-Hime, a moon girl who was thrown from the satellite onto the planet.

Watch pirates movie featuring Asian ancient folktale.

The techno track used Pinger Kit, FSU Kit together with my own combination of drone sound, chords, single note and SFX etc. Finally, Replika XT brings perfect reflection.

It's a track for Hinamatsuri or Doll's Day featuring a Princess and Princes. Yes, this MV is inspired by Kaguya-Hime folklore, which is actually a political critics and the oldest kind of tales. Here, pirates play rolls of a moon princess, moon emperor, and princes seeking for her love.

This is also a good track for White Day, isn't it?