
555 Expulsion

I know this is too late. This should be online in late Mar or early April at latest. It, however, due to my another task, was so delayed that the mood does not match the current season. Shame on me.

The soundtrack "Expulsion" was based on my personal feeling at the end of March. And the movie is, yes, those who know it may find it easily, it is a tweaked legend of Hades/Pluto and Persephone. The story about a boy, and a girl as well as her mother and father. Also, I believe it is the story of  agricultural civilization enduring the severe winter and celebrating the coming spring.

I know it's already late April, looking forward to coming early summer, but yes, this is my feeling at the end of March.

Featuring some organic sounds and Japanese massively multi-singers/dancers girls pop style melody, I hope this bring you some feeling of isolation. Have you been tired of your new life in April? Let"s get together to feel the isolation. Being isolated is not  bad for music, anyway.