
535 Cross Road - It's Long and Winding

Merry Christmas! or Happy Holidays! Whichever.

It's the day right before the sacred moment, and also from celestial point of view, it's the day of the turning. The Sun dies on 22nd but resurrects on 23rd!

Happy the day after Winter Solstice! And here is my tribute to the Sun, our several tradition of worship the celestial event, the beginning of it, and the Road which was exposed the strong light (and darkness) during its several thousands of years.

Fertile Crescent, Eastean Mediterranean, Aegean. Persia, Rome, and Arab. Jewish, Christian, Muslim and pagans. Wherever and whoever. We are alive thanks to the Sun.

Hope you enjoy the travel through the road and history with no prejudice.

Do not forget the history so that we won't repeat it.

The track is composed with MASCHINE Expansion: RISING CRESCENT. Hope you can feel the sense of Middle East, Greek, and Silk Road or Seidenstraße. Persian, Arabian, Aegean and more instruments here. Hip-Hop meets Crescent tones. Great expansion. Thanks.