
540 Seven Deadly Syncs

Happy Lunar New Year! Do you know Japan's folk gods called "Shichi-Fuku-Jin" or "Seven Lucky Gods"? Here are pirate characters pretending to be the gods but at the same time having Seven Deadly Sins within them.

The song is my old work in Sept 2017, which was initially for my job, market communication manager, but later turned into a soundtrack for my playmobil play. Combining seven songs into one with additional all-starz combination, this is a kind of DJ mix. Though I know the last all mix is just noisy.. Yes, all the seven songs play at the same time! Nope, actually, it was the first. Later, I picked up the parts separately seven times, I got the seven songs.

Some tweak because these had to meet my PowerPoint slide works. So the first 10secs of each song has 2 additional secs. Musically, they are wired, but ok. I always love experiments.

Although the MV is completely dedicated to my "Seven Deadly, Happily or Whichever" articles of playmobil, the original theme of these songs were technology such as Internet of Things and Servitization , ERP, retail tech, customer contacts, work spaces, Internet security, and software development. Those themes brought titles like:

  1. Make to Serve
  2. Asian Resources
  3. At Any of Your Convenience
  4. The First Contact
  5. Work for Your Style
  6. I Wanna Cry
  7. Agility Pusher

and 8. All Starz Out.

And you know, the title is inspired by one of the Cyndi Lauper's best albums called "Twelve Deadly Cyns...and Then Some". Great work in 80s and 90s. Must listen to.

*Since the initial version of the MV released on Feb 16th had a critical mistake of caption! Here is the newest version with no typo and a newer description for Ben-Zai-Ten to express her versatility. [Mar 1st 2018]