
542 Escape the Ten Trials v1.0

Another work on MASCHINE EXPANSION "BASEMENT ERA", my best favorite EXPANSION so far. 90s Hip Hop, which is jazzy, soulful, and brings vinyl sounds. I just just love it.

To get "Out of the Ring", we must escape the ten trials which are actually a fake ritual. Yes, it's not bad if we live good, but it is not for the fake trials for better afterlife. It's just for this life. She has lived good. I know it. It's enough. No thanks for ten trials.

The theme of ten underground kings and queens are based on my original mix of Ten Kings theory and Celestial Stem plus my blog articles. Do you remember them?

  1. 秦広王/甲 - Lynch
  2. 初江王/乙 - Daji(妲己)
  3. 宋帝王/丙 - Fire Demon
  4. 五官王/丁 - Regina the Evil Queen
  5. 閻魔王/戊 - Wang Zhi(王直)
  6. 変成王/己 - Octopus!!
  7. 泰山王/庚 - Raoh(ラオウ)
  8. 平等王/申 - Philistis Phoenicianus
  9. 都市王/壬 - Stay Pufft Marshmallow Man
  10. 五道転輪王/癸 - Dark Schneider (!?)

Note: Originally, Celestial Stem and Ten Kings have nothing to do with!!!