
549 Dawn February - Chapter 5: Dawn Goddess

This is a series called "Dawn February", and this is the last chapter.

My first trials of "HALCYON SKY" EXPANSION. Drone sound, synthesizer pads, and detuned chords. Super beautiful sound pack especially for ambient and experimental track lovers.

Lovely birds visiting my garden in chilly February morning inspired me to create these tracks and videos.

The last one, Chapter 5: Dawn Goddess, features the Greek Dawn Goddess Eos, who a playmobil musician named Chloe Sounthernfield plays a roll. The music and video themed the whole process of dawn, from dark indigo sky for owls, a dusty blue for crows, chilly pale blue for early pigeons, and sunlight for woodpeckers and willow tits.

All the music of this series are born in just two hours right after inspiration like lightning. It is not because my talent nor skill :-) but the versatility of "HALCYON SKY". Each uses a kit in the sound pack. No keyboard, just MASCHINE's 16 pads.

Anyway, finally at the very end of February, here on YouTube is a series of videos featuring early morning in February. And now March comes very close. Happy Spring!!

548 Dawn February - Chapter 4: Willow tit

This is a series called "Dawn February".

My first trials of "HALCYON SKY" EXPANSION. Drone sound, synthesizer pads, and detuned chords. Super beautiful sound pack especially for ambient and experimental track lovers.

Lovely birds visiting my garden in chilly February morning inspired me to create these tracks and videos.

Chapter 4: Willow tit themed a little birds called Willow tit. In fact, Willow tit is not blue bird nor red, nor yellow. It is black and grey. There, however, is no such a bird figure within playmobil collection, the MV features colorful tiny birds.

547 Dawn February - Chapter 3: Pygmy Woodpecker

This is a series called "Dawn February".

My first trials of "HALCYON SKY" EXPANSION. Drone sound, synthesizer pads, and detuned chords. Super beautiful sound pack especially for ambient and experimental track lovers.

Lovely birds visiting my garden in chilly February morning inspired me to create these tracks and videos.

Chapter 3: Pygmy Woodpecker features a small woodpecker living in Japan which comes down when the Sun rise somewhat and the temperature is some up. To tell the truth, the time when this bird visits and that of the next bird - Willow tit - may vice versa..

*The MV has typos. The word pygmy is misspelled as pigmy. My shame...

546 Dawn February - Chapter 2: Early Pigeon

This is a series called "Dawn February".

My first trials of "HALCYON SKY" EXPANSION. Drone sound, synthesizer pads, and detuned chords. Super beautiful sound pack especially for ambient and experimental track lovers.

Lovely birds visiting my garden in chilly February morning inspired me to create these tracks and videos.

Chapter 2: Early pigeon, whose name comes from early birds, features herds of pigeon who get up early right after crows and whose wings generate pat- pat- pat- sounds.

545 Dawn February - Chapter 1: Ghost Owl

This is a series called "Dawn February".

My first trials of "HALCYON SKY" EXPANSION. Drone sound, synthesizer pads, and detuned chords. Super beautiful sound pack especially for ambient and experimental track lovers.

Lovely birds visiting my garden in chilly February morning inspired me to create these tracks and videos, one of which, Chapter 1: Ghost Owl, is actually sparked in my dream and the other birds really visited me.


544 Bit Bot Riot - KANSAS SIEGE v1.0

"BYTE RIOT" gave me an inspiration of bad boy.
A bad boy's riot which has become a legend called "Kansas Siege".

So, here is the second version of the MV. Actually, I love this version much more.

The sound is completely the same as the first version called "MASCHINE Age".

Kansas farmer boy called Quentin always makes troubles around him. His father, farm employees, and neighbors however still likes him!

Yes, we love a bit bad boy!

Please take a moment to visit my blog article of the same theme. [Japanese only]

543 Bit Bot Riot - MASCHINE AGE v1.0

8 bit!
Chip tune!

Yes, as you find it from the title, this is based on MASCHINE EXPANSION, which is newly called as KOMPLETE EXPANSION as well, "BYTE RIOT".

Family Computer, Game Boy, and more. 8 bit beep, saturated drum, and synth arpeggios. It's not just a nostalgic 80s but the dawn of the 21st digital age.

This MV is featuring playmobil motors so that the tech mood of the sound meets the visual. Please watch the second version too. Thanks.


542 Escape the Ten Trials v1.0

Another work on MASCHINE EXPANSION "BASEMENT ERA", my best favorite EXPANSION so far. 90s Hip Hop, which is jazzy, soulful, and brings vinyl sounds. I just just love it.

To get "Out of the Ring", we must escape the ten trials which are actually a fake ritual. Yes, it's not bad if we live good, but it is not for the fake trials for better afterlife. It's just for this life. She has lived good. I know it. It's enough. No thanks for ten trials.

The theme of ten underground kings and queens are based on my original mix of Ten Kings theory and Celestial Stem plus my blog articles. Do you remember them?

  1. 秦広王/甲 - Lynch
  2. 初江王/乙 - Daji(妲己)
  3. 宋帝王/丙 - Fire Demon
  4. 五官王/丁 - Regina the Evil Queen
  5. 閻魔王/戊 - Wang Zhi(王直)
  6. 変成王/己 - Octopus!!
  7. 泰山王/庚 - Raoh(ラオウ)
  8. 平等王/申 - Philistis Phoenicianus
  9. 都市王/壬 - Stay Pufft Marshmallow Man
  10. 五道転輪王/癸 - Dark Schneider (!?)

Note: Originally, Celestial Stem and Ten Kings have nothing to do with!!!

541 Out of the Ring v1.1

Featuring MASCHINE EXPANSION "BASEMENT ERA", this is the first of serial trial of Hip Hop sound, rhythm and mood.

Inspired by an eternal voyage of my relative, more precisely my grandma and the last having survived grand parents, I thought again about life, soul and afterlife.

Here is the answer. The life means while we're living. No hell, no heaven, no afterlife.

The essence of Buddhism is actually to get out of the eternal reincarnations. To be a Buddha, an awaken person, to get out of Karma, we do not need afterlives.

However, fake religion which was developed later in the history, partly because of money, partly because of political requirements, has forced people to fear their treatment in their afterlives. Does it make sense? Except for the rare and respectful cases monks or priests tell prayers that the most important thing is for you to gather, to talk each other, and be reminded the dead, the fake ritual is just a..

No afterlife. No reincarnation.
Meaning "Out of the Ring".

The MV features a couple, which might be my grandma and grandpa. If they were born in 21st century and meet in the peaceful era, they might have met like this ;-)

R.I.P. My ...


540 Seven Deadly Syncs

Happy Lunar New Year! Do you know Japan's folk gods called "Shichi-Fuku-Jin" or "Seven Lucky Gods"? Here are pirate characters pretending to be the gods but at the same time having Seven Deadly Sins within them.

The song is my old work in Sept 2017, which was initially for my job, market communication manager, but later turned into a soundtrack for my playmobil play. Combining seven songs into one with additional all-starz combination, this is a kind of DJ mix. Though I know the last all mix is just noisy.. Yes, all the seven songs play at the same time! Nope, actually, it was the first. Later, I picked up the parts separately seven times, I got the seven songs.

Some tweak because these had to meet my PowerPoint slide works. So the first 10secs of each song has 2 additional secs. Musically, they are wired, but ok. I always love experiments.

Although the MV is completely dedicated to my "Seven Deadly, Happily or Whichever" articles of playmobil, the original theme of these songs were technology such as Internet of Things and Servitization , ERP, retail tech, customer contacts, work spaces, Internet security, and software development. Those themes brought titles like:

  1. Make to Serve
  2. Asian Resources
  3. At Any of Your Convenience
  4. The First Contact
  5. Work for Your Style
  6. I Wanna Cry
  7. Agility Pusher

and 8. All Starz Out.

And you know, the title is inspired by one of the Cyndi Lauper's best albums called "Twelve Deadly Cyns...and Then Some". Great work in 80s and 90s. Must listen to.

*Since the initial version of the MV released on Feb 16th had a critical mistake of caption! Here is the newest version with no typo and a newer description for Ben-Zai-Ten to express her versatility. [Mar 1st 2018]


539 Purple Jack v2.1

It was totally my mistake.. This should have been uploaded on Dec 25th 2017!

Thought I've done it but actually not! Ashamed.. Yes, this is apparently and definitely Christmas track featuring Snowman, Santa Clause and B3 Organ!

Following the other pop rock track called "Naraka Progress", this also has J-Pop/Rock style of structure, 80s J style melody, but with  60s-70s type of B3 rotary sound. That is why this is called "Purple Jack".

While B3 Organ sound is out of Arturia V Collection, which I bought when it was still V Collection 5, all the other sounds are out of KOMPLETE 11.

I love so much B3 sound, and owns HAMMOND Xk-1c but still Arturia is great.

538 Naraka Progress v1.0

"Naraka Progress" is the proceeding version of possibly 80s J-Pop/Rock style track made by NI instruments. MV hopefully has some 80s atmosphere by analog TV style noise.

Because I always falls into massive club style tracks by adding, adding and adding more parts, which results in some cumbersome sound, this time I just tried to practice alternative editing method like muting some parts, especially drum,  and making the track calm and slow in the middle.

The famous literature "Pilgrim's Progress" inspired the track title. "Naraka" means the Hell in Sanskrit. Meaning this is my travel through and out of Hell.

This song features NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE instruments called "Strummed Acoustic". The song itself is something hard, but the acoustic guitar riff gives some nostalgic and warm feelings, I hope...